Athletic Calendar
Extracurricular Activities
Research demonstrates that sound minds and spirits are best developed in sound bodies. The value of physical health in maintaining total wellness and positive self-image is unquestioned in today's fitness-focused world. St. Mark Lutheran School offers physical education as part of it's curriculum as well as a variety of extracurricular activities designed to help children discover and develop fitness, talents, and interests. We strive to balance the competitive nature of athletics with broad-based participation for all. Through athletic involvement, students also learn valuable lessons in teamwork, sportsmanship, respect, and leadership.
Fall Sports
- Volleyball (Girls Grades 4-8)
- Flag Football (Boys Grades 4-8)
- Soccer (CoEd Grades 5-8)
Winter Sports
- Boys Basketball (Grades 4-8)
- Girls Basketball (Grades 4-8)
- Cheer
Spring Sports
- Track Meet Basketball (5K - Grade 8)
In addition to the well rounded curriculum provided each day at St. Mark Lutheran School, many academic extracurricular activities are also offered. Each school year students in the upper grades participate in a geography bee, spelling bee, and math bowl competitions. All students participate in a school fair where they can showcase their learning in a project based way. Robotics competitions are also offered throughout the year. All of these activities allow St. Mark students to use their God-given talents and abilities to praise God! "Do everything to the glory of God!" (1 Corinthians 10:31)
- Geography Bee
- Spelling Bee
- Math Bowl
- Social Studies Fair
- Science Fair
- Robotics
- Forensics
Music is included in the curriculum and extracurricular music activies are also offered at St. Mark Lutheran School so students gain an appreciation of praising God through music. Music education improves learning in other subjects because it develops aesthetic awareness and sensitivity. It is a life skill and source of enjoyment which enhances the quality of life from early childhood through adulthood. It provides a means for creativity and self-expression as well as gives a sense of cultural history and church heritage. Through music class, students learn the necessary skills to participate in worship and are given opportunities to do so. "It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to make music to your name, O Most High!" (Psalm 92:1)
- Musicals
- Concerts
- Piano, Organ, Violin, Flute, and Cello Lessons